Teleconference Invitation: Canadian Sai Medical Committee strategic planning and implementation process

This post is targeted at those who completed our participation survey and indicated interest in participating in a leadership/organizational role. If you would like to join our team but have not completed the survey, please feel free to do so at:
We are now at a stage to share the Canadian Sai Medical Committee’s draft strategic plan, including goals for 2019, and to invite you into the strategic planning and implementation process.  To this end, we would like to have a teleconference with those who have shown interest at the organizational level.
Our objective for this teleconference is to outline the organizational structure for the Committee, review the draft goals for the upcoming year, have input and discussion on any other projects or ideas that members may have and then finally to identify 1-2 persons per region to be a ” hands on” individual that can help implement or oversee medical activities in their region.
We are proposing this teleconference be held on:
Sunday Sept 16th at 4pm – 6pm  PST / 7 pm – 9pm EST.
Although 2 hours has been allocated, we may finish earlier as we have built in extra time for questions and answers.  The National Council is asking all wings to submit their activity plan for 2019 by Sept 30, 2018 so that the plans can be shared with the Centres, giving them sufficient time to include these activities in their 2019 plans.  Thus this meeting is being scheduled before that date to help us finalize our proposal for the upcoming year.
We recognize that September is a busy time for all and sincerely hope you will be available so we can identify leaders in each region and begin to implement the medical activities.
Kindly confirm your availability for the teleconference by clicking the link below:
Once we receive your confirmation of attendance we will send you the agenda, a powerpoint presentation for your review, and a teleconference link closer to the time of the meeting.  We look forward to your attendance at the teleconference and to working with you on these activities to promote health and wellbeing.
With loving Sai Rams,
Nishi Dhawan
National Medical Coordinator
Avi Ramsaroop
Assistant Medical Coordinator East
Patricia Stevens
Assistant Medical Coordinator West